Saturday, August 18, 2012


One month has passed far to quickly for my liking but I am still loving every minute of being here. This week I decided to take on a few things that I have never done before. I mixed my own porcelain and wedged it into a plastic clay, I let loose in the glaze room and mixed a number of colour tests, made a few small moulds and decided on more techniques to try next week. The thing that struck me was these are all very common techniques to others who work in ceramic and although I have been pursuing ceramics for around 3 years now there are still so many new and exciting things to learn.
I was accepted to the .EKWC as a 'young participant'. These roles are reserved for an artist recently graduated as opposed to the project participants who have generally 5 or more years experience. Amongst the group I am part of it has become crystal clear to me just how much I am at the very beginning. I often feel inadequate while seeing others presentations and hearing all the projects and exhibitions they have been part of. This has brought me to the realisation that a lot of development both artistically and technically is needed on my part and I am feeling motivated by this challenge. Having the ability to see how experienced artists seriously work, run their projects and sustain long artistic careers has been an invaluable learning experience and it is for these (and many more) reasons that being allowed a position at an institute like the .EKWC at this early stage in a career is so significant.

Mixing samples for glaze tests.
Wedging porcelain slip into a plastic clay.

Hollowing out the body of the Horse.

Hollowing out the head of the Bull.

Hollowing out the head throught the nose.
One Horse and a Bull ready for detailing.

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